Sunday, January 17, 2016

Fishing in the early morning on the lake Pening Rawa, Indonesia

Proud to announce my photo received the first price of the Lonely Planet's photo competition 2015.

Website: Lonely Planet

Monday, March 2, 2015

Les Gens Des Marchés / The People Of The Markets

The markets in Indonesian are incredible places for photography. Light is so special, but also the people there. So friendly, and accepting to be pictured with a large smile.

But what a photo cannot tell (At least I am not sure I could succeed to do that) are the odors . So rich and "spicy", of course.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Gunung Kelud And Consequences

On the 14th of February, The volcano named Kelud erupted violently, sending ashes all over the Java Island.
This is what happened in Yogyakarta and around.